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국외뉴스 International News

No.1385 미국 정부중심으로 일어나고 있는 최신 현황.
등록일 2008-08-29
조회수 1198

August 19, 2008



Fall Header


"Are we there yet?"


With this?summer?time?phrase echoing in?your head, December?may seem miles away.?Amazingly though, my calendar is?already filled up through the end of?'08. Not much?time left to make good on those resolutions from January.


Was learning about the latest building trends and technology on your list? Quickly - grab a pencil?and mark your calendar now for Ecobuild & AEC-ST Fall in DC, Dec. 8-11. (Yes, right now?- don't make me pull over!)

Many important industry players have?had the dates?reserved for some time?- including our?illustrious keynote speakers.

Please meet them below and check out all the?late breaking event additions.??After that,?you may return to your regularly scheduled vacation. Enjoy! --Laura

Laura Edwards, Director of Marketing
Ecobuild & AEC-ST Fall


High Performance Building?is Hot?

Congressman Russ Carnahan United States House of Representatives Missouri 3rd Congressional District?will present a keynote on this critical topic.


Representative Carnahan and Judy Biggert (R-Ill) head the newly formed High Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition (HPBCCC). Sponsored by nearly 50 industry leaders, including Ecobuild, the HPBCCC provides policy-makers with information on designing, building, and operating sustainable buildings.
View High Performance Building Track Conference Sessions & Co-located Meetings.

Kevin Kampschroer, Acting Director of the Office of Federal High Performance Green Buildings will also present the "Federal Green Building Forecast & Assessment" keynote as part of the co-located FEDCon program.


The Politics of Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Ambassador Richard N. Swett, FAIA, Vice President and the Managing Principal of the Washington, DC office of Leo A. Daly, will?present this insightful keynote.


His?presentation?is the highlight attraction of the co-located National buildingSMART? alliance Conference - an exploration of the National BIM Standard and Interoperability for Public and Private AEC Initiatives.?


Sustainable Design Consulting to Present LEED? Sessions??

Learn more about these six seminars.?Many?related courses will help inform attendees about how various speakers are applying LEED in their firms and on their projects. Visit the Conference at a Glance for titles.?


Whole Building Design Guide Seminar & Awards from SBIC?

Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) will present?a seminar on "Beyond Green - Employing the Whole Building Design Guide to Achieve High Performance Buildings."

Projects from the SBIC's annual award program, many of which have gone on to gain national recognition and?include the first LEED Platinum museum, will be showcased. Learn more.


NAHB to Present Model Green Homebuilding Guidelines

NAHB's Model Green Home Building Guidelines are designed to move environmentally-friendly home building concepts further into the mainstream marketplace.??

The NAHB Research Center worked together in an open, public process with over 60 Stakeholder Group members from the home building industry to create those guidelines and will present a seminar covering all six sections.


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Issue: 1



keynote crowd



High Performance Building

Politics of BIM

LEED Sessions from SDC

Whole Building Design

NAHB Model Green Homebuilding

Register Now


Held in Cooperation with:?



What is Ecobuild

?& AEC-ST Fall????


-3 Days of 3 Hour Workshops & 1 Hour Seminars in
14 Tracks


NEW -Conference-at-a Glance just posted!

-2 Day Exhibit - Specialized Pavilions & Job Fair

-3 Co-located Conferences Add Value to Your Visit

We share your goal - to design and construct a better built environment.??
So many specialized areas of knowledge are needed to make it happen: Building Information Modeling (BIM), Green Building, High Performance Building, Sustainability, Energy-Efficiency; Smart Buildings; Security and more.
No matter what your discipline, you and every member of your team can harness the latest in technology, products, and proven strategies to improve future projects.


?Ecobuild Fall with a focus on the ecological aspects & AEC-ST Fall with a focus on cutting edge IT along with our co-located conferences bring it all together for you.?


?Co-located Events

Click on logo to

learn more??




??National bsa Conference



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Save?up to $100*?

Register before the early bird deadline.?
On a 3 Day Passport Registration*.

Offer Expires: October 10, 2008


Corporate Sponsors?

???Goldbentley logo???Onuma


Silver??SG Blocks??UAPaper


