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국외뉴스 International News

No.1479 8월 16일부터 20일 중국 상하이에서 지속가능한 건설환경 컨퍼런스 개최예정
등록일 2010-07-12
조회수 936

8월 16일부터 20일 중국 상하이에서 지속가능한 건설환경 컨퍼런스 개최예정

2010년 8월 16일부터 20일까지 중국 상하이에서 World Expo와 연계하여,‘지속가능한 건설환경과 BIM’이라는 주제로 대규모 국제행사가 개최됩니다.

* 상세한 사항은 www.BetterBuilding-BetterWorld.org 를 참조하기 바랍니다.

* 한국에서 단체 참가 시, 할인 혜택이 있으므로, 참가 의사가 있는 회원사 또는 개인은 7월 23일까지
  협회로 연락하기 바랍니다. [E-mail. bsk@buildingsmart.or.kr]


The 5-day global summit will take place from August 16-20 in Shanghai during the World Expo.   We expect to draw influential owners, operators, design professionals, engineers, contractors, researchers, and educators from across China and around the world to join us for this special event co-organized by Stanford and Tongji Universities.  
August 16 will kick off at the Shangri-La hotel Pudong, focusing on expert account of the Expo planning, design and operation, followed by an ice-breaking reception hosted by a successful developer Shui On Land at its renowned multi-block redevelopment project in Shanghai, with a reception at its clubhouse and a VIP dinner for a limited number of key sponsors and
August 17-18 (Tue-Wed) will include special tours of the World Expo, where we will arrange for special reservations to minimize waiting in queue to get into a number of popular pavilions while hearing first-hand insights from Expo designers, engineers and operators along the way.  
There will be free time as well as Expo-only tickets for kids/spouses/guests who would just like to join us for those 2 days. 
August 19-20 will be back at the Shangri-La, where we will hear from Disney, Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation, and international experts and professionals on private projects
(e.g., Disneyland Shanghai, Shanghai Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center) as well as public / industry trends (panels from US, Finland, Norway, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, and Korea).  
We will also have high-energy Pecha Kucha exhibitions on emerging technologies.  
The theme of the summit is on BIM/VDC as well as sustainable built environment.  For further information, please visit: 
www.BetterBuilding-BetterWorld.org  where we will continue to update info about the conference.

